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The editors at Master of Science in Nursing Degrees decided to research the topic of: Sick! Epidemic of Chronic DiseasesGood news, bad news: We're living longer, but extended lifespans also make us more susceptible to chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. In fact, chronic diseases account for 70 percent of deaths every year. Let's explore the conditions that have us shelling out cash for medications and keeping our doctors' offices busy.7 in 10
1 in 2- American adults with at least one chronic illness - 80% of older Americans (65 and older) have at least one chronic illness Life expectancy by year (both sexes) - 1930 - 59.7 - 1940 - 62.9 - 1950 - 68.2 - 1960 - 69.7 - 1970 - 70.8 - 1980 - 73.7 - 1990 - 75.4 - 2000 - 77 - 2010 - 78.7 - 2020 - 79.5* - * Census Bureau projection What is Chronic Illness?A chronic disease is one that is long-lasting and can be controlled but not cured. Diseases that can be chronic include: ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)- Muscle weakness in one or more of the following: hands, arms, legs or the muscles of speech, swallowing or breathing; twitching (fasciculation) and cramping of muscles, especially those in the hands and feet; impairment of the use of the arms and legs Alzheimer's disease and other dementias- Difficulty in a range of mental functions, including memory and perception; forgetting details; swallowing problems; incontinence Arthritis- Joint pain and progressive stiffness that develops gradually Asthma- Coughing, especially at night; wheezing; shortness of breath Cancer- Fever; fatigue; weight loss Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)- Persistent cough; shortness of breath, especially during exercise; coughing up mucus Cystic fibrosis- Persistent cough that produces mucus; wheezing; breathlessness; decreased ability to exercise; repeated lung infections; inflamed nasal passages or a stuffy nose Diabetes- Increased thirst; frequent urination; extreme hunger; unexplained weight loss or gain; blurred vision; slow-healing sores Heart disease- Shortness of breath; palpitations; faster heartbeat; weakness or dizziness; nausea; sweating Obesity- Breathing disorders; depression; diabetes; high blood pressure; high cholesterol Osteoporosis- Back pain, caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra; loss of height over time; stooped posture; bone fracture that occurs much more easily than expected Sickle-cell disease and other hemoglobin disorders- Unexplained episodes of severe pain, such as pain in abdomen, chest, bones or joints; swelling in the hands or feet; abdominal swelling; fever; pale skin or nail beds; yellow tint to skin or eyes Heart Disease600,000- Annual deaths from heart disease, accounting for 1 in 4 U.S. deaths - Heart disease has been the single biggest killer of Americans every year since 1920. $108.9 billion- Annual cost in healthcare and lost productivity from heart disease 920,000- Heart attacks annually in the U.S. Diabetes- Diagnosed - 18.8 million - Undiagnosed - 7.0 million - Prediabetes - 79 million Percentage of adults diagnosed with diabetes by year:- 1980 3.5% - 1981 3.5% - 1982 3.4% - 1983 3.4% - 1984 3.4% - 1985 3.6% - 1986 3.6% - 1987 3.6% - 1988 3.5% - 1989 3.4% - 1990 3.6% - 1991 3.7% - 1992 4% - 1993 4% - 1994 4.2% - 1995 4.1% - 1996 4.5% - 1997 4.8% - 1998 5.3% - 1999 5.5% - 2000 5.9% - 2001 6.3% - 2002 6.5% - 2003 6.7% - 2004 7% - 2005 7.4% - 2006 7.7% - 2007 7.9% - 2008 8.4% - 2009 8.8% - 2010 9% - 2011 9% - The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher among people with diabetes. $245 billion - Annual healthcare and lost productivity costs from diagnosed diabetes Cancer- 77% - Cancers that are diagnosed among those 55 and older Lifetime risk of cancer- Men - Women - 1 in 2 - 1 in 3 Five-year survival rate- Today 1949 - 68% 49% $157 billion- Annual cost of cancer care An Ounce of Prevention ...- Many chronic conditions have a root in lifestyle decisions, from obesity to smoking. And many of those conditions can be treated - or even prevented by changing behavior. 1 in 3- Adults who are obese Excessive alcohol consumption is the third-leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., behind diet and physical activity and tobacco. 1 in 5- Americans who smoke SOURCES- http://www.cdc.gov - http://www.census.gov - http://www.infoplease.com - http://www.theheartfoundation.org - http://www.diabetes.org - http://www.cancer.org - http://www.cancer.gov ![]() |