Published by Jamie Bond
Not all nurses are destined for a career in the emergency room. Those that follow their heart and specialize in emergency medicine must be quick thinkers and have the ability to multi-task while meeting the various needs of multiple ill patients. Emergency room nurses must be on their toes at all times as the needs of the next patient to seek care in the emergency room are unknown.
The following list of websites contains many valuable websites to prepare emergency room nurses for the unexpected. It is crucial for emergency nurses to keep abreast current trends in illness and treatments alike. The list of news/research websites and journals will allow these elite nurses to keep informed and in turn, allow them to provide the best care possible. Emergency room nurses often treat critical patients following a trauma or cardiac arrest. The list of blogs may help these nurses cope and relate to others in similar situations through these challenging times. There also is an extensive list of associations in which emergency room nurses may become members of that will allow networking opportunities as well as continuing education opportunities. There are specialty certifications and available to emergency room nurses who deserve to be recognized for their dedication and expertise in the profession.
American Heart Association

American Nurse Today


National Guideline Clearinghouse – Emergency Room

Advanced Emergency Nursing

Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine News

Evidence Based Nursing

International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing

International Journal of Trauma Nursing

Journal of Emergency Nursing

Journal of Trauma Nursing

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

RN Journal

EDNurseasauras, Still in the Trenches


ER Jedi

ER Nurses Blog


Madness: Tales of an Emergency Room Nurse

White Coats Call Room

American Association of Critical Care Nurses

American Lung Association

American Nurses Association

American Trauma Society

The American Trauma Society advocates for proper treatment of patients when accidents occur and works to prevent trauma by way of education.
Emergency Nurses Association

Society of Trauma Nurses

Conferences/Continuing Education
American Nurses Credentialing Center: Emergency Nurse Practitioner

Barnes Jewish Hospital: Trends in Trauma

Emergency Nurses Association Annual Conference

Emergency Nurses Association: Education

Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course

International Trauma Conference

Learn and Master ACLS

Medical Matrix Continuing Education Opportunities

Society of Trauma Nurses Annual Conference

Advanced Cardiac Life Support

Board Certification of Emergency Nursing

Pediatric Advanced Life Support

Pediatric Nursing Certification Board

Trauma Nursing Core Course

Helpful Tools

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Emergency Severity Index: A Triage Tool for Emergency Department Care

Nursing Calculators

For information regarding becoming an emergency room nurse practitioner, see what is the best MSN concentration to get.
About the author:
Jamie Bond has been a registered nurse since 2002 and returned to the college scene in 2012 to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. She has a passion for all things nursing, especially the care of the at–risk population. Jamie has first hand experience navigating the complicated, multifaceted field of nursing. A married mother of two school-aged sons, Jamie enjoys spending her spare time cheering on her kids at their various activities.