Published by Jamie Bond
Nurse managers are at the forefront of both patient care and healthcare administration. Faced with staffing concerns, budget cuts, and numerous federal and state regulations, nurse managers must be able to make the appropriate decisions to better their organization. The following list of websites in the areas of news/research, journals, blogs, associations, conferences, and helpful tools will make these decisions easier by arming the nurse manager with the tools and support needed to face the ever-changing healthcare scene.
Healthcare is constantly evolving and nurse leaders must be aware of the current trends and regulations. Nursing associations and conferences provide nurse managers with the opportunity to further their knowledge in their area of expertise while relating with other nurses in similar employment settings. Journals are a primary resource for nurse leaders to obtain credible research and evidence based studies that can positively influence the care provided by their staff. Blogs are an excellent means to connect with peers while learning from first hand experiences of others in the field.
News and Research
American Nurse Today

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


National Guideline Clearinghouse



American Journal of Nursing

Evidence Based Nursing

Journal of Nursing Administration

Journal of Nursing Management

Nurse Leader

Nursing Ethics

Nursing Management (LWW)

Nursing Management (RCN)

Nursing Management (WK)

Nursing Research

The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing

Cases Blog – Medical and Health Blog

Digital Doorway

HC Pro: The Leaders Lounge

Healthcare On Call

Mayo Clinic Nurse Recruitment Blog

Nurse Mentor

The Blog of the Interdisciplinary Quality Nursing Research Initiative

The Nursing Site Blog

Your Nursing Career

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

American Association of Critical Care Nurses

American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners

American Health Care Association

American Nurses Association

American Organization of Nurse Executives

ALSN – Association for Leadership in Nursing

Joint Commission

National Association of Medical Staff Services

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Conferences

American Association of Critical Care Nurses: Essentials of Nurse Manager Orientation

ANA – American Nurses Association

ANCC Nurse Manager Priorities Conference

ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference

Cross Country Education: Nurse Manager Boot Camp

International Nursing Administration Research Conference

Nursing Management Congress

Helpful Tools
American Association of Colleges of Nursing: Clinical Nurse Leader

American Nurses Association: Nurse Managers

Certification for Nurse Managers and Leaders


Strategies for Nurse Managers

For more information about nurse managers, see what is a Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degree.
About the author:
Jamie Bond has been a registered nurse since 2002 and returned to the college scene in 2012 to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. She has a passion for all things nursing, especially the care of the at–risk population. Jamie has first hand experience navigating the complicated, multifaceted field of nursing. A married mother of two school-aged sons, Jamie enjoys spending her spare time cheering on her kids at their various activities.