Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degree programs are geared towards licensed nurses who wish to supervise and oversee a medical facility’s nursing programs, procedures, and faculty members. These degree programs are offered by a variety of online and web-based schools, and this variety provides individuals with many options for degree customization and flexibility.
Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degree programs generally include similar curricula and entail the following: Health Policy in Nursing, Disease Prevention, Nursing Administration and Leadership Role, and Legal Aspects of Healthcare Administration. On average, these master’s-level degree programs take 24 months or fewer to complete, they are comprehensive and skill-enriching, and they adequately prepare nursing professionals to obtain the best Master of Science in Nursing salary and a high level of respect in their field. The only drawback of most schools that offer Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degree programs is that they have a tendency to be quite selective, but due to the highly competitive and driven natures of most licensed nurses, this factor does not usually influence their pursuit of advanced degrees in this area.
How to Find the Top Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degree Programs
All of the schools listed below are chosen according to their accreditation and reputation for providing quality Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degree programs. In addition, these schools possess exceptional faculty members who are not only experienced experts in the field of nursing, they are also highly skilled to provide their students with the best mentoring, advising, and instructional services available.
1. California University of Pennsylvania: California University is accredited by the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This school offers one of the best online Master of Science in Nursing Administration and Leadership Degree programs, and it consists of 30 credit hours of study. For residents of Pennsylvania, the tuition cost for this online degree program is $429 per credit hour. For non-residents, the tuition cost is $437.58 per credit hour.
2. University of Virginia: The University of Virginia is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and it is ranked as one of the best colleges in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. This university offers a Master of Science in Nursing-Health Systems Management Degree program that can be completed in as little as one year. The tuition cost for this degree program is $7,840 per semester for residents of Virginia. For non-residents, the tuition cost for this degree program is $12,843 per semester.
3. University of North Carolina Online: The University of North Carolina Online is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. An online Master of Science in Nursing-Nursing Administration Degree program is offered to registered nurses who possess a bachelor’s degree and a minimum GPA of 3.0. This degree program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The tuition cost for the online Master of Science in Nursing-Nursing Administration Degree program is $221.65 per credit hour for residents of North Carolina, and the the tuition cost for non-residents is $823.65 per credit hour.
Careers and Salaries for Individuals with Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degrees
Although Master of Science in Nursing Administration careers have a reputation for entailing a great deal of responsibility and accountability, they are also well-known for possessing exceptional stability, satisfaction rates, marketability, and lucrative salaries. Aside from seasoned professionals of nursing administration, even entry-level professionals who possess master’s degrees in this area obtain earnings of $60,000 or more per year in their communities.
In healthcare centers everywhere, a few of the most common jobs that are available to individuals with Master of Science in Nursing Administration Degrees include the following: Nurse Executives, who possess salaries of $182,339 per year; Quality Improvement Managers, who earn $65,227 per year; Ambulatory Care Managers, who enjoy annual salaries of about $119,613; Professors of Nursing, who make $69,189 annually; and Long-Term Care Executives, who possess salaries of $167,352 per year.