Pursuing one of the Master’s in Nursing Degree Programs in Wyoming is a choice many of the state’s nurses are considering. While an RN or a nurse that holds a BSN is likely to be a generalist, a nurse with a MSN can develop a speciality area of practice. A master’s degree in nursing makes it possible to take on leadership or nurse practitioner positions, in addition to teaching, psychiatric mental health, nurse anesthesia, community health, midwifery, or gerontological nursing positions. The following institutions offer accredited master’s in nursing degree programs in Wyoming.
University of Wyoming
Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing
Wyoming is a relatively rural frontier state, and as such, the nursing program at the University of Wyoming focuses on preparing nurses to work in diverse, yet rural settings. All nursing students in the school are taught to practice in an evidence-based manner, be comfortable with technology and to promote health and disease prevention. The Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing at the University of Wyoming offers several programs for individuals interested in earning a nursing degree: a basic four-year BSN, an accelerated BSN (BRAND, Bachelor’s Reach for Accelerated Nursing Degree), a RN/BSN completion program, a master’s of science in nurse education or nursing leadership and a doctor of nursing practice in family nurse practitioner or family psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner clinical tracks. With a strong focus on multicultural and diverse nursing practices, the University of Wyoming offers all students an opportunity to learn and practice for one semester in Agua Salada, Honduras in the sustainable health care system. Students must be a senior or graduate in good standing and receive instructor permission to apply for this three-credit program.
The University of Wyoming, as one of the only institutions the state to provide advanced nursing education, offers several opportunities to grow and develop as a nurse, while also networking with colleagues in the field. The Student Nurses Association participates in several on-campus charitable activities, including the Walk MS, Face AIDS and Body Image Awareness Week. There is also an annual Nursing and Health Professions Career Fair to connect nursing students with local healthcare organizations.
The university also has several key community partnerships, including the Cheyenne VA Medical Center, the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, Ivinson Memorial Hospital, St. John’s Medical Center and Platte River Family Practice. These partnerships offer practicum opportunities to students, as well as other networking and learning experiences.
Master in Nursing Programs
The Master in Nursing program at the University of Wyoming is a full-time four-semester program offered online. This program is designed for individuals that would like to become nurse educators. All courses can be completed using a distance-learning methodology, with the exception of the initial orientation, which must be completed on the university’s campus. All students must demonstrate clinical expertise prior to being admitted to the program. This can be accomplished by being nationally certified in a specific area of practice, or by being a teacher, winning awards or completing a significant amount of continuing education.
Students in this program will complete courses in advanced nursing practice theory, learning theories, instructional design, evidence-based nursing practice, epidemiology in rural health care, teaching methodologies, curriculum design, and rural nursing leadership. In addition, a practicum in nursing education is required.
In 2017, the University of Wyoming will offer a new Nursing Leadership Program with an optional Nurse Educator Emphasis. Unlike the Nurse Educator program, the Nursing Leadership program will be offered on a part-time basis and take three years to complete.
The nursing program at University of Wyoming is accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education.
University of Wyoming
UW FWW School of Nursing
Dept. 3065
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 766-4312
mailto:[email protected]
A career in nursing can be both extremely challenging and greatly rewarding. With an advanced degree, nurses can also take on more significant leadership roles and becoming health educators for nursing students and community members. The above Master’s in Nursing Degree Programs in Wyoming all offer high-quality degree options, while also being accredited and flexible for the busy professional.
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